
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Free Printable! Antique Flower Wallpaper Cards!

“I must have flowers, always, and always.” (Claude Monet).

It was the famous painter Monet that said that, and I have to say I fully agree. I can't explain what flowers mean in my life, but I'm so thankful God created them because they exist for our pleasure and bring so much beauty to our lives. I hope you find these antique wallpaper flower designs as inspiring as I do :).

Someone once said 'Don't let the tall weeds cast a shadow on the beautiful flowers in your garden". I like that.  We all have weeds in our life and we all have flowers. Let's look at the flowers, count our blessings, and thank God for the beautiful things in our lives.

“In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends.” 
 Kakuzō Okakura, The Book Of Tea

Click on the image below to get to the larger image, then right click, download to your computer. 
©2013 Jodie Lee Designs. Personal use and small business use for a small run of up to 50 handmade goods.


  1. Thank you for sharing so many pretty papers.

  2. So pretty! I love these vintage floral prints. Thank you for sharing! :)

  3. I love flowers. The Rose is my favorite followed by the pansy.
    Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful images.


    1. The rose is my personal fav. too. After that Gardenia.

  4. Thank you Jodi. I love your work and appreciate the freebies. Would love to see your creations using these freebies for inspiration. Thanks again.

    1. Yes, and I would love to show you ... when I get the chance! I find I'm so busy designing new paper collections I don't often have time to make things with them myself ... but I hope to some day soon!

  5. I love these. Thank you very much! :)

  6. These are lovely Jodie - thank you very much. I love what you said about the weeds and the flowers - it's perfectly true.

    I've always loved pink carnations - or rather the old fashioned ones we called 'doris pinks' or just 'pink' - they're so fragrant. I love the big lillies too - but the pollen on the stamens, whilst beautiful and fragrant, are poinsoness to cats - and also stain terribly. One of my favourite perfumed flowers though, has to be jasmine - which is something you wouldn't really cut to put in a vase. Having said that, my mum has never appreciated cut flowers - she prefers to see them growing in the garden, not in a vase. I love a vase full of colourful carnations on my kitchen windowsill...

    all the best,
    Paula x x x

    1. Paula, growing up, mum had a big jasmine vine all over the front garden of our house. I loved that smell whenever it would bloom!!! I really have my mum to thank for my love of flowers. She is a wonderful gardener. I don't have a green thumb, but I am certainly very obsessive about including flowers in all of my designs because I love them so much.

      My fav. scent lately is GARDENIA!! I have an all natural oil and I love it so much I even wear it to bed!

  7. These are such beautiful papers, Jodie! Thanks so much for sharing your talent!


  8. This is beautiful! Thank you very much.

  9. Hi Jodi, thanks so much for the pretty tag-size prints. Is there anyway to make them fill the 8 1/2 x 11 paper? Sherry

  10. dear jodi, thanks for the print.. this is too lovely.. happy new year =)

  11. OMG, these are just gorgeous! Thank you so much!

  12. Preciosos diseños todos!! Muchas gracias por compartirlos. !! Saludos desde Costa Rica!

  13. beautiful! Can i use it for my blog background photo?

  14. Merci pour vos jolis papiers !

  15. Never thought to see so many beautiful prints. Thank you so much.

  16. I really like these, but I feel like it was underhanded that I had to become a follower to get them.


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